Ergonomic Corporation Hongkong  Ltd

Ergonomic Corporation Hongkong  Ltd  is a Hongkong based company dedicated to creating Ergonomic Products for Home and Office to improve the health of people who work in office or home for long hours  .We specialize in the  Standing Desk Office Furniture. Our ergonomically designed adjustable height desks are created with you in mind. Create a better office space with a luxury stand up desk or standing standing desk converters .   Our modern desk design allows you to work sitting or standing and alternate positions throughout the day. We are proud of our quality, variety , designs , built to order electric adjustable height computer desks.

Our company is a design and manufacturing company specialising in All kind of stands, mounts , arms for various electronic gadgets like TVs, Monitors, Laptops. Our products make your office or home more stylish and improve posture / ergonomics to help users work comfortably and pain-free We have sold over 20,000 such Ergonomic Products in various product lines and countries making us a unique company this category.

Our products make working in modern days office and workstations with a Tv or desktop or laptop computer safer, easier and more productive. Aside from providing our customers with the very best designed and manufactured products available, we are also committed to providing our customer with the essential knowledge to live and work ergonomically safe and pain-free with their notebook computers.

We have through careful research selected unique Ergonomic Designs  and our goal is to bring you the most unique products at the most reasonable prices possible in  Hongkong and Worldwide markets.

Our popular product are as below.

Height Adjustable Desk
Standing Desk Converters
Monitor mounts & Monitor stands - TV Mounts, TV Stands & TV Wall Mounts
Keyboard Trays & Keyboard Drawers
TV Mounts & TV Stands - Specializing in TV Wall Mounts for Plasma & LCD TV's
- Flat TV Wall Mount, Ceiling Mounts, Table Top and Floor Stands,
Multi Monitor Mount and Multi Monitor Stand - for Dual, Triple, and Quad Multiple Monitors, LCD Stands for the Floor, Display Multiple Monitors with Multi Monitor Mounts and Stands for 2, 3, 4, 5, or more, Laptop Mounts & Laptop Arms, Laptop Stands & Notebook Stands, Laptop Desks & Laptop Tables, AV Furniture & Media Cart Options - for Multimedia Presentations, Audio visual furniture, carts, and stands for your TV and AV equipment, Keyboard Trays - A variety of Trays for your Computer Keyboard, Laptop Desks, Laptop Carts and Laptop Stands,

Adjustable, corner, clamp and sit stand keyboard trays, 
Mobile and adjustable, TV pedestals and TV floor stands to meet your pole TV needs, Ergonomic Accessories - Footrests, Wrist Rests, Monitor Risers,
TV Pedestal and TV Floor Stand for your LCD TV or Flat Panel TV

Customers In Hongkong

Our customers come from nearly every industry, and every nation, and they range from Fortune 500 to SMB. Regardless of this diversity, our focus is always the same:  to make them as successful as possible.

These are partial list of some our customers in Hongkong 

Hongkong Jockey Club
Hong Kong Baptist University
Renaissance College ,Hong Kong Export Credit Insurance Corporation, Hospital Authority, FW Media Ltd, Agility Hongkong
Air Liquid
Temple Chambers, Amber Capital, Chinese University of Hongkong, ERMHongkongEquiLend AsiaHong Kong Tourism Board, ESF Island School, PCCW,  Hongkong Airport, Hospital Authority,Hongkong Police Department,Olumpus Corporation of Asia Ltd ,  The Open University of Hong Kong, Catlin Hong Kong Limited, INNOVASIA, INC,CiscoDiyixian DCC Service Limited, Bank J.Safra Sarasin Ltd, Hong Kong Branch, DST Global Solutions, Marriott International, Kokomo Capital Ltd, Kowloon Hospital, ARINC Aviation & Ground System Solutions, YPICA Lee Lim Ming Colleg